From the beginning, KCAC produced a publication to connect and share resources with its members and broader Kansas City community. What began as a newsletter grew into a print magazine dedicated to critical conversations focused on the region's visual art and literary communities. Forum, published from 1975 to 2001, was a strategic extension of KCAC’s mission that amplified its initiatives and enhanced its ability to serve, advocate for, and celebrate the Kansas City arts community in meaningful and lasting ways.
When you advocate for yourself, you tap into the power of agency and
take ownership of your story, goals, and values.
More than 20 years later, in an age dominated by transient social media and quick-scrolling online content, the Kansas City Artists Coalition is bringing back Forum. As various social media platforms encourage and compete for our shortened attention spans, KCAC wants readers to slow down, take a dive deep, and fully engage in critical discourse. Furthermore, Forum serves as a cultural archive that captures the legacy and evolution of the Kansas City art scene of our time for future generations.
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