KCAC History
KCAC celebrated an important milestone in 2016.
Although much has changed since the mid-seventies when we were founded, our mission to promote visual arts and artists is still needed.
KCAC’s longevity can be attributed to adherence to the mission and a long history of integrity, openness, and inclusiveness in its programming. KCAC has gained the trust and resources of our constituencies who support the mission and respect the consistent leadership.
This important anniversary was a time for reflection not only of the organization’s history but of the historical trends that have affected the KCAC’s work. At the same time, it is important to evaluate current position and plan for the future.
in Perspective
By Janet Simpson, Executive Director Emeritus 1989-2019
The Kansas City Artists Coalition is a nonprofit organization that promotes visual arts awareness in Kansas City and the surrounding region, and supports the professional growth of artists. KCAC supports artists and arts understanding through the Exhibition Series, workshops, artist’s talks and publications.
foster a climate encouraging innovation and creativity
utilize the initiative and creativity of artists for the collective benefit
provide a forum for contemporary art through our galleries and publications
champion work of local artists increasing the viability of Kansas City as a place for artists to live and work
spread the word about the vitality of the arts in Kansas City and the region
encourage artists to go forward with their ambitious and innovative ideas
support artists’ work through exhibitions, publications, workshops and grants
promote the exchange of ideas among peers and mentors in art communities across the US and the world.
(Left to Right) YU JI / Night Song, Oil on canvas // ACROSS THE DIVIDE 1998 / MALLIN GALLERY
TOMMY WHITE / The Texas Giant, Oil on canvas // 2010 / MALLIN GALLERY
HELEN ZUGHAIB / Map of Home, Gouache on paper // 2013 / MALLIN & CHARNO GALLERY
The Kansas City Artists Coalition was created to change the lives of artists living in Kansas City and the region.
Kansas City artists gathered in the studio of Philomene Bennett and Lou Marak, the meeting’s agenda was “How the Artist Can Benefit From Centralization.” Overwhelmingly the group felt a self-initiated organization was the only alternative to isolation, elitism, apathy, and ignorance. The Kansas City Artist Coalition was formed.
The year 1975, was the official end of the United States involvement in Vietnam, the year the Watergate “plumbers” were convicted and a year in which President Ford was the target of two assassination attempts. It also marked the beginning of the Kansas City Artists Coalition.
But KCAC is really part of the legacy of the sixties – the decade of the Civil Rights Movement, student activism, the anti-war movement, the women’s movement, free love and the impulse for self-determination. Sadly, also the decade when John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Medger Evers and many others were assassinated and when many cities including Kansas City were scarred by the violence of riots. Everything was changing, driven by ideas that were quite radical, ideas that transformed American life.
Artists, of course, were part of these changing times. On the East and West coasts, artists formed The Artists Liberation Front, the Art Workers Coalition, and the Guerilla Art Action Group. Many more groups were started on campuses all over the country. Like most counter-culture organizations of the sixties, they were anti-establishment, anti-war and political, but their agendas also included the concept of support of artists by artists.
Artists wanted control of their artistic expression and their careers.
By the mid-seventies, the artist movement was sweeping across the United States, fueled by the energy of the sixties, built on the sweat of artists and for many, funded by the new National Endowment for the Arts. Individuals joined together to challenge the status quo.
Artists’ organizations were formed and spaces were opened. Artists Space opened in New York City, Name opened in Chicago, F-Space Gallery opened in Orange County, California, Self-Help Graphics opened in East Los Angeles, Kearny Street Workshop opened in San Francisco, Artpark opened in Lewistown, New York, And/Or opened in Seattle, and the Washington Project for the Arts opened in Washington, DC to name a few. KCAC was in good company.
The Artists Coaltion’s goal was to create a strong voice for the concerns of artists. At the time, Kansas City offered few opportunities and local artists were not taken seriously. The few local galleries mainly showed the art of artists living elsewhere. KCAC began by lobbying for professional venues for local artists and mounting exhibitions in empty commercial spaces.
The Kansas City Artists Coalition's exhibitions explore the diversity of expression that shape contemporary culture, art, and ideas. KCAC is a space for innovative and experimental art, which does not readily lend itself to commercial venues. KCAC also aggressively supports and embraces local and regional artists' work.
The Artists Coalition’s galleries provide an exciting venue for artists’ work, showing a wide range work including mid-career and emerging artists, as well as actively supporting young and previously un-shown artists, often providing the first important exhibition for these artists. KCAC selects work of the highest quality and has exhibited artists from all over the United States and the foreign countries of Canada, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Korea, Latvia, Israel, Bangladesh, Spain, and Turkey.
In 1983, KCAC opened Kansas City’s first alternative gallery at 616 Central with the goal to serve both artists and the community.
A year later the gallery moved to 39th & Bell and in 1986 KCAC moved to its 33 year long home in the River Market. 2019 brought a dramatic change and move to the center of Kansas City where KCAC currently calls Midtown home.
KCAC’s desire is to support all artists in their quest to realize their vision. KCAC is the voice of inclusion in our community and continues to be the primary support for local artists at every stage of their career.
The Exhibition Series reflects our founding principle — to increase awareness of contemporary art and support artists’ work. This principle provides a great deal of freedom in selecting the artists that are shown.
One exhibition could be described as “traditional” and another as “regional,” “experimental,” or “site specific”— the description is dependent on the artist exhibiting. Our intention is to support the experience of art in all its forms.
Contemporary visual artists are critical to our community’s artistic heritage. This fundamental belief of the Kansas City Artists Coalition is why we support contemporary artists working in all mediums. A corollary of this belief is that aesthetic experiences are important in all of our lives. That is why there are so many different kinds of art and artists and why KCAC shows artists from across the United States and the world.
KCAC has been in our present location since 2019 since our recent move from the River Market location which was home from 1986-2019. We have 1200 sq. feet of exhibition space in our two galleries and have presented over 600 exhibitions presenting over 5320 artists with an estimated attendance of a quarter of a million.
The Artists Coalition is respected nationally as the most vital alternative exhibition space in the area. Although much has changed since the mid-seventies when we were founded, our mission is still needed.
KCAC’s commitment to exhibiting contemporary artists’ work has built an awareness of contemporary art and has played a fundamental role in the growth of the vibrant Kansas City art community.
2009 - 2018
The mission of the Residency at the Artists Coalition was to bring artists from around the world together in order to build friendships and improve intercultural understanding.
Visiting Artists: Fatima Abu Roomi (Palestinian/Israel) /Alicia Candiani & Adriana Moracci (Argentina), Adania Shibli (Palestinian/Israel) / Bai Ming (China) / Crossover: Cara Jaye (USA), Melanie Yazzie (USA), Miguel Rivera (USA), Michael Schonhoff (USA), Patricia Villalobos Echeverría (USA) / Mercé Tiana & Carmen Riu (Spain) / Nico Phooko (South Africa).
Selected individuals enjoyed a supportive environment in which to further their creative development. The residency provided a resource of time and space for artists to create their best work. Artists know the value of time and space apart from normal life to create substantive work.
616 Central, Kansas City, Missouri
39th & Bell, Kansas City, Missouri
Talking and Painting, Oil on canvas, 2003, MALLIN GALLERY
Installation, 2008, MALLIN GALLERY
LEE MALERICH (Right Bottom)
Don’t Quiet The Mind, 2001, CHARNO GALLERY