MARCH 3-31, 2023
Snap Space Gallery

LOVE is a Body in Motion

I created this series of painted photographs of dancers doing their best thing, moving perfectly fit bodies in harmony wearing sparkly attire and feeling good about themselves. After viewing just the photographs, I felt there was more emotion and intensity in the live image than the camera alone could capture. I needed to touch those dancers, energize their space and the spaces between them. So, I touched them with paint, metallic inks, oil pastels, pens and pencils. Then the rhythm of those bodies in motion came off the page to involve you the viewer in this Love Dance.

About the Artist

I am an artist, and my art is my service. I am a curious being with expertise in translating visual stories. Whether in paint or photograph, in text, gemstone or fabric, my colored forms express my interpretation of authentic stories from indigenous life and oral histories, always following the patterns. I use art as my tool and my vehicle for living life forward. My mission as an artist is to connect the viewer to the feeling of that moment in time captured through my tangible expression. For me, the visual arts express the highest forms of similarity among diverse people. We can feel the humanity in one another, our aesthetic presence through the arts, and I seek to help everyone notice. My aesthetic vision is a creative composite from my lived experience as a global member of fierce female tribes of creators, enhancing their communities in several geographic areas of the United States of America, as well as in South Korea, Italy and South Africa.


