Skills to Succeed
Last week, I shared an article from Bold Journey on Facebook. It was an interview with the artist, Greg Edmondson. I found one question of particular interest and Greg's response resonated...
Bold Journey
There is so much advice out there about all the different skills and qualities folks need to develop in order to succeed in today’s highly competitive environment and often it can feel overwhelming. So, if we had to break it down to just the three that matter most, which three skills or qualities would you focus on?
Greg Edmondson’s Studio
Image Credit: Lisa Halley Melching from Canvas Rebel
Greg Edmondson
Discipline, Knowledge and Honesty… It takes discipline to keep making art. “Inspiration” is wonderful, but I’ve found that it comes more often from working, experimenting, playing with materials and ideas, than it ever just strikes you out of nowhere.
Knowledge of what other artists are doing and what others have done before is incredibly important. It provides a context or reference for what you are trying to do now and keeps you from “re-inventing the wheel”. It’s humbling to realize that you are less unique, than part of a long tradition with a rich history… but it’s also encouraging.
By honesty, I mean making work about what you are honestly interested in or fascinated by. Chasing trends is a fool’s errand. What honestly interests you may change or shift, but it will never disappear.
I have to close by listing one more quality that sits atop the three I’ve mentioned, and they all point directly to it. Curiosity!
Stay curious and you’ll always have more to learn and more to do.
In my opinion, Greg nailed it and I couldn't have said it better. Stay curious my artsy friends and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!
Thanks for reading!
Courtney Wasson, Executive Director
Mockingbirds Voices
Image Credit: Lisa Halley Melching from Canvas Rebel
Small Sacrifice
Difficult Conversations