DECEMBER 11, 2015 - JANUARY 14, 2016
RACHEL LIVEDALEN Explores gender roles and representations as set forth in religion, social practices, and cultural phenomena and how these forces intersect at the present moment to create a complicated relationship of gender identity and expectations. Large-scale sculptural pieces and traditional framed prints and works on paper serve as artifacts of the present moment.
JACKIE WARREN‘s series is an examination of cloud, atmospheric, and landscape elements in the abstract. Every day presents possibilities. It is up to each individual to take advantage of those possibilities. Warren has chosen to concentrate on the positive instead of the negative with this work. Use of color, technique and composition help support that attitude.
ROBIN VANHOOZER Radiantly faceted layers of fused wax provide a rich, complex, and changing tapestry upon which to compose the artists’s personal perspectives. Multiple materials such as photographs, glass, thread, and fireworks become part of the tapestry in the layers of wax. The transparent and translucent layers allow Vanhoozer to choose what she reveals or conceals.