MARCH 4 - 25, 2022

Artist Bio:

Brittany Noriega is a community organizer, life-long artist, mother, wife and creative thinker. Motivated by studies in studio art and sociology, her personal artistic work is reflective of the study of people and emotions, and often focuses specifically on growth through and after trauma. Brittany creates intricate and ethereal worlds that reflect the emotions and feelings we experience through times of change, struggle, and revival.

Tiny Imperfections is a small works solo exhibition designed to show the beauty in imperfection. Personally and artistically I often struggle with the way things look and if something “isn’t quite right” or there are tiny mistakes in my work I believe that it isn’t good enough or shouldn’t be displayed. Using hand-pulled laser prints on hand made paper, the obstacles in trying to make things “perfect” created an abundance of stress and frustration, when in reality each piece that I create is completely unique and beautiful. The things I often perceived as wrong actually make the work creative and interesting. I want to challenge the idea of finding “perfection” and celebrate the beauty in uniqueness in every tiny imperfection.

Tiny Imperfections consists of 50 prints, all using hand-pulled laser transfer techniques on hand-made paper. 10 prints each of 5 original drawings. The process of creating the paper and pulling the prints by hand creates variations in the design, resulting in a totally unique
print every time.


